Friday, December 26, 2008

Free as a bird

He looked out of his window. The morning sun blinded him. The glorifying rays grazed his face, marking his clear profile on the wall. It had just rained the previous night. The dew on the leaves reflected the light making them glitter like gold. It was a pleasant sight and a very refreshing moment. His mind sought after the sights of the nature, the chirping birds and the evergreen trees. He sat there sipping his morning coffee, staring out of the window, at absolutely nothing. He wondered. He starred. He rejoiced. With every sip of coffee, he removed himself from everything that was real, until he reached a state of complete bliss. Every thought in his mind was a happy one. Every sight in his vision was soothing. Just as if reminding him of reality, the alarm went off. He knew right away he had to shake himself and face the world. The fast paced dog-eat-dog world didn’t give him the time to stay back and enjoy the tranquility in his room. The coffee drained his throat more slowly than before. Every slower sip meant an extra moment. It didn’t bother him that he had work to do. It didn’t bother him that he had to work up the courage to face the world. What bothered him was that the serene moment was gone. His mind had wandered to work. His brain had started planning the day ahead. Right when he sipped the last drop of coffee, a Stellar Jay flew by his window and sat on the rails. Down went the bird, dipped into the water and drank it. The bird looked around at him, starred into the room and flew away … Making every cell in his blood wish he were as free as that bird.